POA(Plan of Action) for Database Migration in SQL Server

Pre Migration Checklist
1 Analyze the disk space of the target server for the new database.
2 Confirm the data and log file location for the target server.
3 Collect the information about the Database properties (Auto Stats, DB Owner, Recovery Model, Compatibility level,etc).
4 Collect the information of dependent applications, make sure application services will be stopped during the database migration.
5 Collect the information of database logins, users and their permissions.
6 Check the database for the Orphan users if any.
7 Check the SQL Server for any dependent objects (SQL Agent Jobs and Linked Servers).
8 Check, if the database is part of any maintenance plan.
Database Migration Checklist
1 Stop the application services.
2 Change the database to single user mode.
3 Take the latest backup of all the databases involved in migration.
4 Stop the SQL Services on live server.
5 Copy the backup from live to destination server.
6 Restore the databases on the target server on the appropriate drives.
7 Cross check the database properties as per pre-migration checklist output.
8 Execute the output of Login transfer script on the target server, to create logins on the target server.
9 Check for Orphan Users and Fix Orphan Users. 
10 Execute DBCC UPDATEUSAGE on the restored database.
11 Rebuild Indexes ,As per the requirement.
12 Update statistics.
13 Recompile procedures.
14 Configure Full backup, Log backup, integrity check, rebuild index jobs.
Post Migration Checlklist
1 Check the integrity of database.
2 Start the application services, check the application functionality.
3 Check the SQL Server Error Log for login failures and other errors.


Create the temp table for further querying


            rec_id               int IDENTITY (1, 1),

            table_name      varchar(128),

            nbr_of_rows    int,

            data_space      decimal(15,2),

            index_space     decimal(15,2),

            total_size         decimal(15,2),

            percent_of_db decimal(15,12),

            db_size            decimal(15,2))


2.      Get all tables, names, and sizes

EXEC sp_msforeachtable @command1="insert into #temp (no_of_rows, data_space, index_space) exec sp_mstablespace '?'", @command2="update #temp set table_name = '?' where rec_id = (select max(rec_id) from #temp)"

3.      Set the total_size and total database size fields

UPDATE #temp SET total_size = (data_space + index_space), db_size = (SELECT SUM(data_space + index_space) FROM #temp)

4.      Set the percent of the total database size

UPDATE #temp SET percent_of_db = (total_size/db_size) * 100

5.       Get the data

SELECT *FROM #temp ORDER BY total_size DESC

6.       Comment out the following line if you want to do further querying



If you ever want to transfer a large DB to a new one with more than one file, here is the way I am going to use (tested and approved)

1. Create a file which is as large as the data in your primary file (call it "buffer")

2. Empty the primary file (DBCC SHRINKFILE (<FILENAME>, EMPTYFILE))

3. Restart SQL Server Engine

4. Shrink the primary file to the Data size divided by the number of files you're gonna create (DBCC SHRINKFILE (<FILENAME>, NEWSIZE))

5. Create all the new files with the size of data divided by the number of files

6. Restrict their growth in order to fill the primary file in the next operation

7. Empty the buffer file (DBCC SHRINKFILE (BUFFER, EMPTYFILE))

8. Delete the buffer file (ALTER DATABASE REMOVE FILE (NAME=BUFFER))

9. Set final size of data files and unrestrict their growth according to the final configuration needed



1. Create two folders and grant read write permissions to service account



2. Find the current path

            sp_helpdb   master

3. Stop SQL Server

4. Move the files (master.mdf, mastlog.ldf) into new folders

5.  Go to SSCM --> R.C on respective instance SQL Server Service -- properties -->   Advanced --> Startup Parameters--> Change the    path of data and Log file



6. Apply --> OK

7. Start the service. Go to SSMS --> check the new path

            sp_helpdb master



Reason for suspect mode:

If one or more database files are not available.

2.      If the entire database is not available.

3.      If one or more database files are corrupted.

4.      If a database resource is being held by the operating system.

How to recover?

Ø  Scenario 1: If the file is full

Execute sp_resetstatus.

Syntax: sp_resetstatus database_name

Use ALTER DATABASE to add a data file or log file to the database.

Stop and restart SQL Server.

With the extra space provided by the new data file or log file, SQL Server should be able to complete recovery of the database

Ø  Scenario2: If the data file was damaged.

            * Take T.Log backup

            * Restore last Full backup

            * Restore T.Log backup

            * Database comes online

Ø  Scenario3: If the T.Log file was damaged

            * Take any user defined db for example: MyDB

            * Check the current location of files

                        sp_helpdb MyDB

            * Stop server

            * Move the T.Log file into different folder

            * Start server --> DB goes into suspect mode

               Select databasepropertyex ('mydb','status')

 Steps to Recover:

Step1: Make the db into single user

1) Alter database mydb set Single_User

Step2: Set the db into emergency mode

2) Alter database mydb set Emergency

Step3: Run checkdb with required repair level


Step4: Set the db into multi user mode

4) Alter database mydb set Multi_User