--create a tample table to gather the information of error log files
CREATE TABLE #ErrorLog ( Archieve INT, Dt DATETIME, FileSize INT ) GO INSERT INTO #ErrorLog EXEC xp_enumerrorlogs GO --delete all the old log files if the size of all the log files is larger than 30GB DECLARE @i int = 1; DECLARE @Log_number int; DECLARE @Log_Max_Size int = 40*1024; --here is the max size (M) of all the error log files we want to keep, change the value according to your requirement DECLARE @SQLSTR VARCHAR(1000); SET @Log_number = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #ErrorLog); IF (SELECT COUNT(FileSize/1024/1024) FROM #ErrorLog) >= @Log_Max_Size BEGIN WHILE @i <= @Log_number BEGIN SET @SQLSTR = 'DEL C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\ERRORLOG.' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@i); EXEC xp_cmdshell @SQLSTR; SET @i =@i + 1; END END DROP TABLE #ErrorLog
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