1. Atomicity
Atomicity ensures that the entire transaction, which in this case involves deducting money from your account and crediting your friend's account, either happens fully or not at all. In practice, if the second step fails (crediting your friend's account), the first step (deducting your account) is automatically rolled back. This way, your account will still have the original balance, and no partial transaction will occur.
2. Consistency
Consistency maintains the integrity of the database. When you attempt to transfer ₹25,000, the system checks your balance against the minimum requirement (₹5,000). If this rule would be broken by the transaction, the system blocks it, ensuring that the rules governing account balances are respected. The database remains valid before and after the transaction.
3. Isolation
Isolation ensures that concurrent transactions don't interfere with each other. While you are transferring ₹10,000, another user looking at your account at an intermediate stage will not see a partially updated balance. This prevents inconsistencies during the process and ensures that only complete transactions are visible to others.
4. Durability
Durability means that once a transaction is completed, the changes are permanent, even if there's a power outage or system crash right after the transfer. So, after your transaction is confirmed, both your account and your friend's account will reflect the updated balances, regardless of any subsequent failures.
These properties ensure that financial transactions are secure, reliable, and accurate, reflecting the real-world requirement for a robust system in handling sensitive operations like money transfers.
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