Check list for before Migration?

 Migration from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2014 Check list

1. Identify databases you would like to migrate

2. Backup all user databases

3. Script out all the existing login

4. Script out all the Server roles if applicable

5. Script out all the Audit and Audit Specifications if Applicable

6. Script out backup devices if Applicable

7. Script out Server level triggers if Applicable

8. Script out Replication along with Configuration if Applicable

9. Script out Mirroring if Applicable

10. Script out Data Collection if Applicable

11. Script out Resource Governor’s objects if Applicable

12. Script out Linked Server if Applicable

13. Script out Logshipping if Applicable

14. Script out SQL Server Agent jobs

15. Script out all DB Mail objects such as Profile and its settings

16. Script out all Proxy accounts and credentials if Applicable

17. Script out all Operators if Applicable

18. Script out all alerts if Applicable

19. Save SQL Server, Server configuration in a file

20. Data Encryption keys

Destination SQL Server Checklist

1. Required SQL Server is installed

2. DBA SQL Server Check List is Completed

3. Enough Space for storing Backup and source scripts

4. Applications compatibility is signed off

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