Log Shipping Article

List of Tables & Stored Procedures

Primary server tables



Stores alert job ID. This table is only used on the primary server if a remote monitor server has not been configured.

Stores error detail for log shipping jobs associated with this primary server.

Stores history detail for log shipping jobs associated with this primary server.

Stores one monitor record for this primary database.

Contains configuration information for primary databases on a given server. Stores one row per primary database.
Maps primary databases to secondary databases.

Primary Server Stored Procedures

Stored Procedure


Sets up the primary database for a log shipping configuration, including the backup job, local monitor record, and remote monitor record.

Adds a secondary database name to an existing primary database.

Changes primary database settings including local and remote monitor record.

Cleans up history locally and on the monitor based on retention period.

Removes log shipping of primary database including backup job as well as local and remote history.

Removes a secondary database name from a primary database.

Retrieves primary database settings and displays the values from the log_shipping_primary_databases and log_shipping_monitor_primary tables.
sp_help_log_shipping_primary_secondaryRetrieves secondary database names for a primary database.


Retrieves secondary database names for a primary database.


Refreshes the monitor with the latest information for the specified log shipping agent.

Secondary Server Tables


Stores alert job ID. This table is only used on the secondary server if a remote monitor server has not been configured.

Stores error detail for log shipping jobs associated with this secondary server.

Stores history detail for log shipping jobs associated with this secondary server.

Stores one monitor record per secondary database associated with this secondary server.

Contains configuration information for the secondary databases on a given server. Stores one row per secondary ID.

Stores configuration information for a given secondary database. Stores one row per secondary database.

Note: Secondary databases on the same secondary server for a given primary database share the settings in the log_shipping_secondary table. If a shared setting is altered for one secondary database, the setting is altered for all of them.

Secondary Server Stored Procedures

             Stored Procedures



Sets up a secondary database for log shipping.

Sets up the primary information, adds local and remote monitor links, and creates copy and restore jobs on the secondary server for the specified primary database.

Changes secondary database settings including local and remote monitor records.

Changes secondary database settings such as source and destination directory, and file retention period.

Cleans up history locally and on the monitor based on retention period.

Removes a secondary database and the local history and remote history.

sp_delete_log_shipping_secondary_primaryRemoves the information about the specified primary server from the secondary server.
sp_help_log_shipping_secondary_databaseRetrieves secondary database settings from the log_shipping_secondary,log_shipping_secondary_databases, and log_shipping_monitor_secondary tables.
sp_help_log_shipping_secondary_primaryThis stored procedure retrieves the settings for a given primary database on the secondary server.
sp_refresh_log_shipping_monitorRefreshes the monitor with the latest information for the specified log shipping agent.

Monitor Server Tables


log_shipping_monitor_alertStores alert job ID.
log_shipping_monitor_error_detailStores error detail for log shipping jobs.
log_shipping_monitor_history_detailStores history detail for log shipping jobs.
log_shipping_monitor_primaryStores one monitor record per primary database associated with this monitor server.
log_shipping_monitor_secondaryStores one monitor record per secondary database associated with this monitor server.

Monitor Server Stored Procedures

                       Stored Procedures


Creates a log shipping alert job if one has not already been created.

Removes a log shipping alert job if there are no associated primary databases.
sp_help_log_shipping_alert_jobReturns the job ID of the alert job.

Returns monitor records for the specified primary database from the log_shipping_monitor_primary   table.

Returns monitor records for the specified secondary database from the log_shipping_monitor_secondary table.


 > When if any query waiting for resources then relevant wait type comes into picture. Which cause high performance impact.

How to find wait type:

Select * from sys.sysprocesses

Column “last wait type”

Types of wait types:

1. LCK_M_S: Occurs when a task is waiting to acquire a shared lock. [Occurs mostly in blockings]

2. ASYNC_IO_COMPLETION: Occurs when a task is waiting for I/Os to finish.

3. ASYNC_NETWORK_IO: Occurs on network writes when the task is blocked behind the network. Verify that the client is processing data from the server.


 >>What is Change Data capture? [CDC]

1. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 has introduced a very exciting feature for logging DML changes.

2. Change data capture provides information about DML changes on a table and a database.

3.Change data capture records insert, update, and delete activity , that’s applied to a SQL Server table and makes a record available of what changed, where, and when, in simple relational 'change tables’.

4. Also stores historical data and COLUMN level changes in SQL Server by using CDC feature.

5. Change data capture is available only on the Enterprise, Developer, and Evaluation editions of SQL Server

>>How it works>

1. The source of change data for change data capture is the SQL Server transaction log.

2. As inserts, updates, and deletes are applied to tracked source tables, entries that describe those changes are added to the log.

3. The log serves as input to the change data capture process. This reads the log and adds information about changes to the tracked table’s associated change table.

>>Permissions required to configure CDC:


>>CDC Configuration steps:

1. Enable CDC on database by using

EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db

@5 system tables gets created automatically.







2. Enable CDC on table by using

EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table

@source_schema = N'dbo',

@source_name = N'MyTable',

@role_name = NULL

Note: Few CDC system table and 2 CDC jobs create automatically inside of the SQL Server databases

CDC Default Tables:

cdc.captured_columns: This table returns result for list of captured column.

cdc.change_tables: This table returns list of all the tables which are enabled for capture.

cdc.ddl_history: This table contains history of all the DDL changes since capture data enabled.

cdc.index_columns: This table contains indexes associated with change table.

cdc.lsn_time_mapping: This table maps LSN number (for which we will learn later) and time.


After enabling CDC on table one more addition tracking table


List of automatic jobs:




Select * from CDC.DBO_STAB_CT

If the operation column shows value

1: Delete operation

2: Insert operation

3: Before update

4: After update

Along with this data gets captured into CDC defined table.

Note: Enable CDC only with confirmation from apps team or client... If you enable it consumes more hardware resource and additional storage is required.