T-SQL scripts to find out when last stats update happened ?

select a.id as 'ObjectID', isnull(a.name,'Heap') as 'IndexName', b.name as 'TableName',
stats_date (id,indid) as stats_last_updated_time,st.auto_created
from sys.sysindexes as a
inner join sys.objects as b
inner join sys.stats st on st.object_id=b.object_id
on a.id = b.object_id
where b.type = 'U'


t.name AS Table_Name
,i.name AS Index_Name
,i.type_desc AS Index_Type
,STATS_DATE(i.object_id,i.index_id) AS Date_Updated
,sp.rows --if you want to know how many rows unrem this
sys.indexes i JOIN
sys.tables t ON t.object_id = i.object_id JOIN
sys.partitions sp ON i.object_id = sp.object_id
and i.index_id = sp.index_id --new

i.type > 0 and --if you want to see heap rem this
sp.rows > 0
t.name ASC
,i.type_desc ASC
,i.name ASC


How can you find the stored procedure used by SQL Job

If you have hundreds of sql jobs scheduled  to run everyday in SQLserver.  How quickly you can find the stored procedure used by sql job command.

Here is simple solution to find it.

use msdb
select sj.name as job_name, st.command
from  sysjobs sj
join sysjobsteps st
on sj.job_id = st.job_id
where st.command like '%uspMyBook%'

The mirror database has insufficient transaction log data

When you Setting Database Mirroring if you will get the error message like  "The mirror database has insufficient transaction log data".

The mirror database, "Northwind", has insufficient transaction log data to preserve the log backup chain of the principal database. This may happen if a log backup from the principal database has not been taken or has not been restored on the mirror database. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1478)

Error : The mirror database has insufficient transaction log data
Solution :
1.. Take the Transaction Log backup from Principal server database and
2. Restore Log on Mirror database
 Restore Log on Northwind from disk = 'c:\mssql\backup\DBP_TLog.TRN' with NORECOVERY
3. Now try to setting up Database Mirroring again from Principal Server