T-SQL – whether the databases are configured for mirroring or not

If you want to check whether the databases are configured for mirroring or not, then below script would be a great help.



   WHEN B.mirroring_state is NULL THEN 'Mirroring is not configured'

   ELSE 'Mirroring is configured'

END as MirroringState


sys.databases A

INNER JOIN sys.database_mirroring B

ON A.database_id=B.database_id

WHERE a.database_id > 4


SQL Server service does not start successfully because of a logon failure

When you restart Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Agent, the service may fail to start with the following error message:

Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure.


This problem occurs because the password for the SQL Server startup service account or the SQL Server Agent startup service account is not correct. This problem can occur when the password for the account is changed but the password information was not updated for the SQL Server service or the SQL Server Agent service.


To solve this problem, type the correct password in the Microsoft SQL Server service account on the SQL Server host computer.

To correct the password in Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft Windows XP:

  • Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  • Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Services.
  • Use one of the following steps based on your instance type:
  • For a default instance of SQL Server, double-click MSSQLServer, and then click the Log On tab.
  • For a named instance of SQL Server, double-click MSSQL$YourInstanceName, and then click the Log On tab. Replace YourInstanceName with the actual name of the SQL Server instance.
  • For a default instance of SQL Server Agent, double-click SQLAgent, and then click the Log On tab.
  • For a named instance of SQL Server Agent, double-click SQLAgent$YourInstanceName, and then click the Log On tab. Replace YourInstanceName with the actual name of the SQL Server instance.
  • Type the correct password in the Password and Confirm password textbox, and then click OK.
  • To correct the password in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0:
  • Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  • Use one of the following steps based on your instance type:
  • For a default instance of SQL Server, double-click MSSQLServer, and then click the Log On tab.
  • For a named instance of SQL Server, double-click MSSQL$YourInstanceName, and then click the Log On tab. Replace YourInstanceName with the actual name of the SQL Server instance.
  • For a default instance of SQL Server Agent, double-click SQLAgent, and then click the Log On tab.
  • For a named instance of SQL Server Agent, double-click SQLAgent$YourInstanceName, and then click the Log On tab. Replace YourInstanceName with the actual name of the SQL Server instance.
  • Type the correct password in the Password and Confirm password textbox, and then click OK.
  • NOTE: Changing the password through the Services applet allows SQL Server to start successfully; however, if Microsoft Search (Full-Text Service) is installed, it requires a subsequent password change through SQL Enterprise Manager (SEM).

MySQL Frequently Using Commands

MySQL is one of the most using database system. Almost all web sites are using MySQL database. I wrote most using commands of MySQL database.I will share various commands using examples for MySQL database .

Connect MySQL

[root@testdb ~]# mysql
[root@testdb ~]# mysql -h hostip
[root@testdb ~]# mysql -h hostip -u username
[root@testdb ~]# mysql dbname -u username

[root@testdb ~]# mysql dbname -u username -P portnumber

List, Add, Drop, Change and Grant User

mysql> use mysql
mysql> create user Ajay;
mysql> drop user Ajay;
mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD(“newpassword”) where user=’Ajay’;
mysql> grant all privileges on testdb.* to Ajay;
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to Ajay;
mysql> revoke all privileges on testdb.* from Ajay;
mysql> revoke all privileges on *.* from Ajay;
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> grant usage on testdb.* to Ajay identified by ‘password’;
mysql> grant usage on *.* to Ajay identified by ‘password’;
mysql> revoke usage on testdb.* from Ajay
mysql> revoke usage on *.* from Ajay

mysql> flush privileges;

Information Queries of MySQL Database

mysql> help;

mysql> use testdb;
mysql> show tables;
mysql> desc tablename;

mysql> connect mysql;
mysql> select user();

mysql> show variables;
mysql> show variables where variable_name = ‘Port’;

[root@testdb ~]# mysqladmin –help
[root@testdb ~]# mysqladmin –version
[root@testdb ~]# mysqladmin ping

[root@testdb ~]# mysqladmin variables